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My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed Lenka’s yoga class in beautiful Petworth Park. Lenka has a fantastic energy and was very encouraging. The sun shone, the time flew and we had fun learning new yoga poses. Thank you so much Lenka. Looking forward to next time! x


I totally enjoyed the Wednesday beginners session for 6 weeks and can’t wait to try the Tuesday evening session which is a more advanced level.

Lenka enrols only a few students per class which allows her to give 1-2-1 feedback during the session.

These sessions have become a social getaway for me to interact online with like-minded people during such difficult times.

Thank you, Lenka, and the whole class to give me something to look forward to, relax, learn and exercise in a fun and engaging way.


I have joined yoga classes with Lenka with the intention to help me with the pain in my lower back and to get more flexible. My lower back was really bad due to sitting all day in front of the computer. After a few weeks of doing yoga with Lenka, the pain was gone and my posture has improved. 🙂

Hana P. Accountant

Absolutely fantastic time practicing yoga in the park with Lenka. Very professional yoga coach, it was the second time I did that and it was a wonderful day. I highly recommend yoga with Lenka and I also do it online every Tuesday.🧘


Three of us joined Lenka for yoga in the park at Petworth and enjoyed a really lovely time. 1.5 hours of outdoor yoga in a beautiful setting, with the sun shining, was pitched at just the right level for us. Lenka was very responsive, tailored her teaching to our needs, and got us all to try partner yoga for the first time, which we loved! We came away stretched and relaxed and will be back, British weather allowing.


I have now completed two Zoom yoga sessions with Lenka-beginners yoga. Really enjoyable, Lenka was friendly and encouraging and the online format worked well with a bit of ingenuity and patience from Lenka. My husband who had never tried yoga before really enjoyed the sessions and plans to continue. I would recommend this class. Thanks, Lenka!

Liz Langtree Nurse

Yoga with Lenka was a lovely experience. She is very focused on her clients’ wellbeing, learning, and enjoyment and this made the online experience very enjoyable and easy to follow. She was very inclusive so no matter my personal level she easily worked with that and guided me on techniques. Finishing with affirmations was super too. I really enjoyed my session and I’m also fascinated by Lenka’s approach to whole food nutrition. Thank you.


Having never done yoga before, I was unsure what to expect but Lenka was so warm, welcoming, and explained it all so clearly, it was wonderful. In these anxiety-inducing times, it was an oasis of calm. Needless to say, am now hooked!

Anna C.

This was my first instructor-led online yoga and I couldn’t have wished for a better teacher. Lenka is very encouraging, supportive, and patient. She mixes the moves to suit all levels, but some of the moves could be more challenging if you like to stretch yourself.

I recognised her level of knowledge and experience and enjoyed the ‘new move of the week’ aspect and the breathing techniques which kept it interesting.

I would not hesitate to recommend Lenka to my clients. Thank you, Lenka.

Honey Lansdowne Hypnotherapist

I’ve been doing Lenka’s fantastic online classes for over 2 months now and it has been so rewarding. I now sleep so much more deeply, I am more flexible, my general aches are gone and I feel more energetic in general. Lenka’s class makes me feel as though it is my own personal session! Throughout the class, Lenka gives me (& everyone in the class) advice/encouragement to help get the maximum benefit from the poses and breathing. It feels tailored, which I never envisaged yoga classes to be.

Yoga is now something that I have incorporated into my everyday life, even if only for a few minutes, wherever it can be squeezed in because I don’t need any special equipment to do the things Lenka has shown me. I have 3 young children and sometimes it can feel like it’s hard to find time for myself – alone! – but Lenka has helped me discover that even having a couple of minutes standing in the fresh air doing breathing exercises can be so beneficial.

I can’t recommend Lenka’s classes enough – and do! – to anyone and everyone.


It’s been years since I attended a yoga session and as a result, I was a bit worried about my fitness and confidence. Lenka instantly made me feel at ease and her bubbly and engaging manner made me feel confident in participating at my own pace. The class is supportive and friendly with all levels included. I felt rejuvenated and relaxed and ready to face the week ahead, I would thoroughly recommend Lenka, she’s fabulous!


I have never done yoga before and I was so excited when I realised that is really really great. It’s a great exercise for your body and it’ll strengthen all muscles. I loved it so much, and I hope to see you guys soon. Greetings from Czechia


I’ve just enjoyed my first Zoom Yoga with Lenka. It was relaxed and easy to follow. Lenka is very welcoming, patient, and encouraging. She made me feel totally comfortable throughout her lovely class. The session left me on a positive high and I would encourage anyone to give it a go!

Zoe S.

Lenka, you truly inspired me and I really feel I want to eat even healthier than before. Wow, you wouldn’t believe how that intensive week (nutritional consultations, personal yoga sessions and food preparation lessons) with you changed my thinking. 🙂 I’m so excited with my new  friend, juicer, that I’ll make juices like crazy from now on, ha ha. You should definitely follow this path as I’m telling you that you can really influence people in a great way!” <strong>Zuzanna Rybarczyk, High Paw! Pet Sitting

Zuzanna Rybarczyk High Paw! Pet Sitting

Lenka, you got me and my husband into yoga at Dudley Village Leisure Club. You were an inspiration! We have tried many classes since but none as good as you. 🙂

Kim Payne School Teacher

I am very pleased to give Lenka a testimonial because I have been privileged to work with her for several years. I have learnt and deepened my understanding of yoga and how it can be applied to all areas of my life. I think the knowledge around diet/nutrition which she adds to yoga practice makes it truly holistic. I recommend anyone to spend some time with Lenka and find out how she can move you closer to healthier lifestyle goals

Michael Don Smith Master Coach

I suffered with Angina and IBS. I had a very bad attack of angina which meant I was off work for a very long period. On recovery I was advised to resume gentle exercise, relaxing, and walking which I did. Having joined Lenka’s classes I watched in amazement will I ever do that and follow the routines, Sun Salutations. I had two left feet and no coordination as getting to some of the poses.

At the end of the class, I chatted to Lenka about yoga and asked her to show me the Sun Salutations I struggled with. Lenka was very helpful and taught me through the steps. I was able to follow in the next class without a problem. My progress has been slow but definitely consistent and achievable, I am able to do up to 30 Sun Salutations in the morning! I also attend Lenka’s meditation classes which are very beneficial to your well-being, excellent after a stressful day at work. Lenka is a great yoga guru, she is very approachable, encouraging, inspiring, and takes pride in what she teaches. She is open for suggestions and discussions on yoga and always accommodating beginners as well as advanced yogis to go that much further.

For me personally yoga is a way of life. It has helped me to control my weight, my fitness and my ability to achieve and work towards my personal goal. Due to meditation I am more focused, less stressed and able to deal with issues of inner strength. Yoga has taught me all this. Thank you Lenka, I increased to 5 days a week :-).

Parvii Home Service Assistant

Lenka is a fantastic teacher and she always strives to keep the classes interesting and energetic. Yoga is essential to my well-being and I need to keep doing it. I initially started because my blood pressure was really high and I was feeling very stressed. Lenka helped me not only to learn how to relax but since having her as my food mentor I have also lost 20 lbs! and am well on the way to ever greater victory

Angela White Nurse

Yoga saved my back! Yoga is amazing believe me, not only do I feel calmer &amp; stronger but it has also really helped my back. I now don’t depend on strong painkillers, and feel like my life has dramatically improved as a result. Lenka is amazing not only as a yoga teacher but also as a person &amp; friend! Yoga is part of my life now! Try it, you will love it!

Becky Personal Assistant

Lenka’s yoga class is not just that – it is a complete mind, body + relaxation 90 minutes to my day! Not only does she teach yoga poses but you learn how to make changes in life to make it better! Lenka is very informative about how every pose can help your body and how diet can have such an impact on your life. After speaking to Lenka about some pain I experience she recommended cutting out dairy from my diet and that pain isn’t half as bad! I love Lenka's classes; she has helped me personally with my yoga poses and confidence in them. I just wish I didn’t have to go to back to the normal Saturday duties after the class as I am so relaxed. I recommend yoga to everyone!

Debbie Nurse

I am 47 years old and despite trying yoga classes several times over the years, I have been unable to fully take part in classes and usually end up injured after 1 or 2 classes (mainly due to a lifelong knee condition and numerous knee surgeries). Five years ago I developed fibromyalgia symptoms, which were eventually diagnosed as early stage fibromyalgia by a rheumatologist in November 2015. I have also gained extra weight due to overeating and lack of activity. I had resigned myself to never being able to do yoga, to periodically have to use walking aids due to my knee, constantly being in pain and stiff from the fibre and generally not being very active at all.

Then last year I got chatting to Lenka. She assured me that I would be able to do yoga, and despite a little reluctance on my part initially it has been wonderfully liberating. Lenka listens to any health problems or fears you may have, alters positions and stretches to suit your ability and has endless enthusiasm and encouragement for you. She also puts in a lot of time outside the class to ensure that any exercises you do are relevant and beneficial to each individual. So thank you Lenka - you’re a star!

Paula L Graphic Designer

For 20 years I have had the lower 5 discs in my spine seized together through wear and tear. My sciatic nerve is trapped. It causes me to have restless nights as every time I turn over I wake up. I also have cramps in my calves and feet! I have tried lots of different things over the years.

For the last 3 months I have been going to the yoga class with Lenka. It has changed my sleeping pattern. I have never slept so well!  My night cramps have almost stopped. I have had only 2 restless nights since I started the class. My mobility and flexibility have improved too. Thanks Lenka

Val H. School Teacher

I have high blood pressure and recently symptoms of arthritis. At 54 years of age (but still 21 inside) I still want to lead a full and active life and yoga is helping me to do this. Lenka has taught me the benefits of including yoga in my daily life and the benefits it brings. Yoga has made me a more relaxed and happier person able to cope with stresses of our very busy everyday lives. Thank you Lenka.

Chris D. School Teacher

When I started Lenka’s classes 8 months ago, I hoped to become more flexible and supple. What I didn’t really expect were the positive benefits for my outlook on life. I am now much calmer, able to relax more easily, eat more healthily and generally deal with life in a much more positive way...all of which has been a massive bonus. Oh yes – I am fitter and more flexible too!! Thanks to Lenka

Alan City Council

I’ve only been attending Lenka’s yoga classes for 8 weeks and have a long way to go to get into some of the positions but I am getting there and already feel much better for it, sleeping and breathing easier and feeling much more flexible. With Lenka’s encouragement I realise how any position is and will be possible to achieve this being a state of mind rather than one of physical advantage. I also realise how I’d stopped listening to my body and inner self and are now in the process of trying to rebalancing these. Lenka thank you! You have been my inspiration. Yoga is now such a large and wonderful part of my life. The result is that I feel healthier, fitter, weight considerably less (!) and are certainly a much calmer person. I love these classes and the inspiration they bring.

Carol City Council

As a member of the older age group (64 yrs.) who finds yoga very beneficial in terms of flexibility, concentration and relaxation. I like having the opportunity of all tempting postures I have not tried before, such as the headstand. I very much enjoyed Lenka' s session especially the ones where we wore a blindfold, which I had never tried before. I would recommend to anyone who feels that yoga is for younger people only to come along and try a few sessions which I am sure they will enjoy of gaining more flexibility, concentration and the ability to listen to their body.

Louie Receptionist

One of the best yoga classes I have ever visited! Lenka is an excellent teacher and makes the lessons very informative and enjoyable! Well-structured class and lovely music! Relaxation is new to me but I find it very beneficial. I want to continue with the classes – I feel the benefits!

Paul Manager

Thank you for your classes, your teachings, and your inspiration! Your classes and your approach came into my life at just the right time and have helped me find my true nature &amp; path for the rest of my life. I know yoga will always be a part of my future.

Sue Cake Baker

Thank you for all you have taught me it has been an amazing experience and will continue to practice yoga at home. Also want to say what a fantastic teacher you are; I have really enjoyed your classes. It is a great atmosphere.

Helen Shop Manager

Truly inspirational! Instrumental to a whole lifestyle change!

Kim P.

After doing Lenka’s classes for the past 2 months, I have found her classes to be very beneficial. She is an excellent teacher who is patient with people at all levels of fitness and she is very helpful. 10/10 for Lenka!

Iris H. Hair Stylist

I’ve enjoyed all your classes and I’m amazed at what you’ve encouraged me to achieve. I attempt postures now I only thought I could dream of at the age of 64! I also enjoy the relaxation and meditation part that has brought an unexpected bonus into my life.

Pat W.

Both Lenka's classes are great-instruction is clear, enthusiastic and nutritional information goes beyond what you would expect from a standard yoga class. Yoga poses are adjustable according to ability suitable for everyone!

Wendy T.

Always good information given – clear steps in helping to integrate and harmonize energy in body and spirit. Friendly and approachable attitude. I especially enjoy the guided relaxation, breathing and meditation. What I like least about the class? When it ends!


A very well run class. Lenka is very keen and passionate with regards to her yoga class. I love the relaxation, love how chilled out it makes me feel and I love how flexible it gets me! I find the class great; I enjoy all aspects of it.


I completely love every one of your fantastic yoga sessions. Sun Salutations are completely energizing both mind and body after a stressful day at work. I feel my yoga ability is gradually improving and my flexibility is the best as ever been! Wish we could do more blind folded but I appreciate it’s not for everyone. Keep doing what you are doing Lenka it is great! I always have the best night’s sleep after yoga and I do try to practice as much as I can at home.

Wendy M.

Really enjoy learning new sequences. Great for all levels, enjoy trying the harder moves. Really like the standing sequence. Enjoy the breathing and relaxation at the end. Love all your classes.

Helen M.

I started yoga 6 months ago and have found the benefits amazing. I am more flexible, toned and stronger. I do at least two of Lenka’s classes a week and now feel healthier and less stressed. After the class yoga helps you to relax and have a great night sleep. I would recommend yoga classes to all!

Helen Y.

Lenka ensures that the environment is yoga-friendly, using excellent sound tracks and dim lighting. She motivates us and explains the benefits of positions well. I like the fact that she gives us some written notes to take away. Great!

Claire B.

The doctor recommended yoga to try to help with my high blood pressure. I have always wanted to do yoga and had a couple of lessons a few years ago. Since starting lessons with Lenka it highlighted inadequacy of those other lessons. Lenka is a fantastic teacher and I have really felt the benefits of her lessons. She explains everything, how to do the positions and what benefits are achieved by them. I really enjoy the lessons and look forward to attending them.

Sue M.

After attending Lenka’s classes for almost a year now, I have found them to be very useful and extremely enjoyable. Lenka is a wonderful teacher and after regularly attending her classes I have noticed significant improvements. My overall ability has improved and I have also learnt a lot of valuable information. I also feel more calm and relaxed due to her lovely meditation classes. They have helped me through some difficult times. I would definitely recommend her classes to others. Thank you Lenka ;-).

Heather R.


I recently attended Lenka’s nutrition workshop online and found it very informative. I took away some great practical tips and the 2 hours went surprisingly quickly. Lenka is a lovely lady, knowledgeable, engaging, and open to any questions. Her visual prompts were helpful too. Don’t hesitate to give it a go if you are keen to take the first step to a better way of eating.
Zoe Shore
I thoroughly enjoyed this nutrition workshop as it opened my eyes to see what kind of foods I was actually eating in my diet. Lenka explained to us a lot of things I used to be confused about, for example, the difference between whole and refined foods. But I know now and did some action the following days. I make better choices when food shopping from now on thanks to this workshop.

I enjoyed Lenka’s online nutrition workshop, it was fun and interesting. I learned quite a lot and started taking action by having fruit earlier in the day. Lenka is very knowledgeable and answered any questions we had. Thank you for all your help and advice.

Lenka is so passionate about health and well-being and shares her knowledge, advice, and inspiration to help others. Her enthusiasm is infectious! Her nutrition course informs and encourages everyone to make considered and positive food choices that can enhance lives, well-being, and general happiness. Thank you so much for all your advice, support, and kind thoughts. You are very appreciated! More power to you and all that you do!

I really enjoyed learning about nutrition with Lenka to understand how nutrition can really benefit my family’s diet and lifestyle choices. I would recommend Lenka as a nutrition coach as she is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and positive about nutrition. Lenka’s nutrition course is perfect for anyone wanting to make food-based changes that could improve their health, it covered many nutrition-based topics in great detail with lots of helpful advice and practical ideas and recipes to follow. I finished Lenka’s nutrition course feeling inspired and ready to make changes in the food and meals that my family and I eat every day!


Lenka is very knowledgeable about healthy lifestyle, food choices and is very passionate about helping others attain a healthier and better lifestyle. I had an amazing experience with her on my first consultation. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with her as my Mentor. Once again, thank you so much for your time, understanding, and commitment towards a healthier Me.

Mily Davila Student Development Services

I completed a nutritional questionnaire before our online consultation. I’d never done this before, but Lenka was very organized and explained very well how to do it. I could see from the questionnaire how my various symptoms could be related to vitamin deficiencies, the main problem being tiredness. We discussed different ways of increasing each of the nutrients, recipes, how we can inadvertently reduce our uptake as well. We covered a great deal, even exercise. I am now trying to reduce my caffeine intake (alternatives suggested by Lenka!) and reduce the food that can contain harmful chemicals, again with easy alternatives. With Lenka’s support and encouragement, I’ve made sustainable changes that are far more delicious and nutritious. Thanks, Lenka.

Danie Bax Nurse

Lenka has helped me gain a broader understanding of health and nutrition. I am improving my diet and lifestyle following her advice. She has encouraged me to use my juicer more often.

Lenka gave me plenty of time for the consultation and went over how to correct nutritional deficiencies in a lot of detail on all the different healthy plant-based foods readily available in supermarkets. It really is more simple and easier than you think! I would definitely recommend Lenka as she is very knowledgeable and a force for good.

Liz Archer

My consultation with Lenka has been a real eye-opener. It has flagged several deficiencies in my diet based on various health issues I have had for a few years. Lenka is very supportive and has a lot of suggestions and advice as to how these deficiencies can be addressed so that I can move forward as a happier and healthier woman.

Paula Ley Graphic Designer

A very helpful and informative consultation. Lenka was receptive to my questions and previous knowledge and was able to provide extra and particular information related to my needs. She allowed plenty of time and provided a professional and friendly service.

Sue Thornett

Thank you for a wonderful online video consultation we had a couple of days ago. It was very informative and surprising at the same time. I thought I knew quite a lot about the healthy nutrition and you proved that I didn't. I feel very motivated now and inspired, ready to change my diet for better, according to your advice. Lenka, your knowledge is very valuable and you should share it with others who seek for help in loosing weight/detoxing their bodies or who simply want to start living consciously. You provide a complex nutritional service which I'd recommend everyone to use!

Zuzanna Rybarczyk High Paw! Pet Sitting

Lenka has helped me gain a broader understanding of health and nutrition. I am improving my diet and lifestyle following her advice. She has encouraged me to use my juicer more often.

Lenka gave me plenty of time for the consultation and went over how to correct nutritional deficiencies in a lot of detail on all the different healthy plant based foods readily available in supermarkets. It really is more simple and easier than you think! I would definitely recommend Lenka as she is very knowledgeable and a force for good.

Liz Archer


Lenka is a fantastic go-to health coach for natural healing. Anyone interested in yoga, chemical-free, organic living, alternative remedies and such, who is stuck in some bad habits or feels in ill health, definitely try her services. Lenka is full of good advice, recommendations, and her home/studio is very serene and welcoming. I felt revived and inspired after our session and I soon felt better in my physical and mental health.

Deni Kirkova

I found the health coaching very good and would highly recommend. Lenka spoke with care and listened, really listened to what I said and in return gave lot’s of important advice and factual resources to support this. I felt able to understand the support and with follow up emails Lenka gave me knowledge and confidence to move forward on my journey to better health.

Dean Bracher

Lenka is compassionate and caring and genuinely wants to help. She is very kind and easy to talk to. She has given me some useful insights in my journey towards better health. She can suggest steps that you can take whether you are just wanting to improve your health or whether you are stuck with more chronic problems and aren’t sure what else to try.

Lauren Hayes

Lenka, you truly inspired me and I really feel I want to eat even healthier than before. Wow, you wouldn’t believe how that intensive week (nutritional consultations, personal yoga sessions, and food preparation lessons) with you changed my thinking. 🙂 I’m so excited with my new friend, juicer, that I’ll make juices like crazy from now on, haha. You should definitely follow this path as I’m telling you that you can really influence people in a great way!
I recommend this service to everyone who wants to change their lifestyle for the better!

Zuzanna Rybarczyk High Paw! Pet Sitting


Healing Beverages is a beautifully illustrated book packed with an incredible amount of awesome and easy to make recipes. As a health conscious mother of 4 I love books with lots of recipes I can just easily flip through and chose what I want to make. There are numerous recipes for juices, smoothies, nut milks and teas that are not just easy to make, but also tasty and healing. It's just the book I needed! I love the simplicity of the recipes - no fancy ingredients! I also love all the well researched information. It's so important that we know how to feed our bodies well. Superb book for anyone interested in getting into juicing and improving their health.

Jessica Ajayi Student Doctor of Naturopathy, Mother of 4, Blogger & YouTuber

As a healer who firmly believes that food is the medicine for the healthy, it was wonderful to come across Lenka's book on healing beverages. If more people would do nothing more than give up their sugar coated drinks in favor of one or more of the beverages from this book, they would be well on the path to good health. Achieving and maintaining good health is in our own hands and Lenka makes it easy through well researched and described recipes. Start with one recipe among numerous described by Lenka and you will be well on your way to good health.

Pradeep Darooka Spiritual Guide and Healer

Lenka, I have read your eBook, it was so inspiring and I am now juicing quite a lot. Particularly I have increased my intake of green powders to 3 times a day when possible and I notice a difference. Thank you for writing down these ideas.

Sarah Mills Potter and Primary Private Tutor

Lenka's personal journey which lead her to write this book is truly inspiring. The book itself is clearly written and easy to follow. The huge amount of recipes are simple and really delicious proving that healthy food doesn't need to be boring or tasteless. I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to improve their diet and health in an easy yet powerful way.

Pippa Acupuncture Practitioner

Thank you LENKA for your excellent teaching and your inspiration that make life better. This is a very helpful eBook, I recommend it to everyone

Houssin Affiliate Marketing

I have enjoyed reading The Healing Power of Herbs by Lenka Pagan. The eBook is written very clearly and simply and it's very informative. I thought I knew quite a bit about the herbs but I have learned a lot of new tips which will help me with looking after my body. If you want to learn more about herbs this is a very good book to start with.

Dusana B. Housewife

This lovely recipe ebook is a very useful and practical tool to have in anyone’s kitchen. It gives in a simple and concise way the essential knowledge for a long-lasting health in and out. I definitely recommend it.

Gisele Mariano Acupuncturist in Arundel, UK

A really accessible, helpful book. Not to dense, practical and easy to use. A good read.

Jeanette Barsdell

Excellent recipe book without using the common ingredients….. salt, sugar etc. I need to say that Lenka does know about healthy habits and nutrition!!! I definitely recommend it.

Tasos Fragkoulis (verified owner)

A really accessible, helpful book. Not too dense, practical and easy to use. A good read and very informative. I shall keep it as a handy reference.

Jeanette Barsdell

A comprehensive look at the theory and practicalities of incorporating healing beverages into the diet of those for whom this is a new concept.

Sue Thornett