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Could you believe that there was a time, over 18 years ago, when I was mostly eating tinned foods, ready-made meals prepared in a microwave, or heavily processed food? I was addicted to chocolate – I could easily eat one or two full bars every day and I found it too hard to give it up!

My excuse? Not enough time and money to eat better. My focus was not on eating healthily and that is why I paid the price for my precious health. Unfortunately, this is a common problem when people do not treat their bodies well. They, unfortunately, abuse themselves with the wrong foods and negative self-talk, and then when things go wrong, they wonder why they feel as they do. It hit me so hard during my time in the hospital that I decided to change! I invested in myself. I finally had started to appreciate that my health is my biggest wealth and to grow it, I needed to protect it. And that is what I did. I reconnected with my body and started to treat it with the same love and care as I would treat my best friend.

I changed the way that I looked at food. Food had to give me nourishment and energy. I ate healthy meals that I had usually prepared from scratch. I learned to distinguish what ingredients were healthy and what were not. If I came across an ingredient I had never seen or heard of before, I researched it.

I made a habit of reading food labels on packaging, making sure not to be fooled by marketing jargon. I learned to resist tempting food that was harmful to my health. I read whatever I could about nutrition as I wanted to understand the real facts about healthy food as much as possible. And the result? A few months after adopting a healthy lifestyle, I was cleared of all my health problems including Multiple Sclerosis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 😊

Soon after this, in North Carolina, USA I trained to become a holistic health coach as I wanted to share the powerful knowledge, I had attained with others so that they could also overcome illness. In 2006 I moved to the UK and a few months later I went to India to learn yoga and to become an Ashtanga certified yoga teacher. Then 2 years later I was certified as a Fitness Coach in Improving Personal Exercise and Nutrition and then a few months later I completed Level 3 (PTLLS) to be able to teach as a tutor at adult education centres. In 2013 I became certified in Kids and Family Yoga. An NLP course helped me to understand how our minds work and how it’s possible to replace unwanted behavior.

Since 2007 I have taught yoga and a healthy lifestyle in leisure clubs (Village Hotels), fitness centres (Fitness First), nursing and residential homes, churches, temples, nurseries, colleges, adult education centres, private homes, and outdoors in parks and on the beach. This includes people of different ages and health conditions, from pregnant mums and children to adults, people with disabilities, and the elderly because yoga is suitable for everyone.

Also, I am incredibly grateful for investing my money and time in these extraordinary mentors/coaches – Tai Lopez, David Key, Tony Robbins, Lisa Nichols, Marisa Peer, Lucia Hoxha, Chris & Karene Lambert-Gorwyn. It’s been over 18 years since I recovered from my illnesses and thanks to good nutrition and regular exercise I am better physically and mentally in my forties than I was in my twenties. I love to inspire people with my story and ensure them that they can also transform their health if they decide to do so.

Yes, I did overcome a serious illness and so did others. I believe there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel if we keep looking for it. We are in charge of our own health; our health is our wealth!

Enjoy the journey and reach out if you like me to help you move forward faster! 😊

Live with passion!

Lenka x