A healthy lifestyle begins at the grocery shop and in the kitchen.
The kitchen is often called “the room of abundance” in Feng Shui since it represents or symbolizes all that nourishes and nurtures us.
What does your kitchen look like? How do you feel when you are preparing wonderful meals and delicious foods in it?
During the fridge makeover, you’ll discover what foods to keep in stock so you can prepare simple, healthy meals instead of wasting money on unhealthy readymade foods and takeaways.
- The Fridge makeover will help you to:
- Learn about meal planning.
- Learn about fridge cleaning.
- Save money on seasonal foods.
- Learn how to keep your fridge full of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Reduce your food waste by learning the basics of proper food storage and sell-by-dates.
- Learn which foods should be stored in your fridge, and which foods are the best in your cupboard.
- Learn what essentials are the best to have in your fridge most of the time.
- Learn to take inventory of the items in your fridge before making your shopping list.
- Learn just how easy it is to organize your fridge so you can easily find what you are looking for to make a fast and nutritious meal.
- Learn how easy it is replacing “junk foods” for healthy nutritious foods.
Tip: Fresh produce is safe at room temperature, but after ripening will rot
quickly. For best quality, store ripe fruit in the refrigerator or prepare,
dehydrate or freeze. Some raw vegetables such as potatoes and onions can be stored at cool room temperatures.
Refrigerate other raw vegetables for optimum quality and to prevent rotting. After cooking, all vegetables must be refrigerated or frozen within two hours.
Do you believe this saying? “If you eat crap, you will feel like a crap after you eat it”. The fridge can reveal a lot about the food habits of its owner. Do you believe that? I do. I have been there as I used to eat crap and feel like it
too…but luckily that time is over, and I have learned and changed a lot since.
And what about you? Do you want to do something major about it? If so,
great, I am here to help you. Schedule your fridge makeover today and fill up your fridge with nourishing food as that will make major improvements to your eating habits which will lead to better moods and overall health… I am available in person (Worthing area only) or as well online if you live far away.