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A weekend of yoga at the West Midlands Vegan Festival

Lenka Pagan


If you follow my Facebook page, then you’ll know that I attended the 9th West Midlands Vegan Festival a couple of weeks ago and delivered two short yoga workshops.

It was very crowded event. Apparently there were over 6,000 visitors over the weekend!

My yoga workshop was short – just 50 minutes.

I gave a brief introduction to yoga and its health benefits before starting with some warm-up movements and standing positions such as Triangle (Trikonasana), Warrior I and Warrior II, T-shape pose (all pictured).

Afterwards I led a guided relaxation session and alternate nostril breathing (pranayama) whilst we were seated on chairs.

It was a really nice group of people who did very well. Not only was it great to reconnect with some of my old yoga st3udents, but it was also wonderful to make some new friends and contacts.:-)

You can view some pictures of my workshop here.

On the last picture you see one of my yoga students, John, who was kind to take these pictures for my blog. 

Next year I intend to be there again, delivering yoga and a about nutrition. 

Hoping to see more of you there. x



Lenka Pagan
Lenka supports women to live happier and healthier life. :-)

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