Why I only use natural deodorants and soaps?
Most people are still unaware that they are placing toxic chemicals on their skin which can be absorbed into the body. Thousands of products on the market today contain toxic chemicals such as aluminium, triclosan (biological toxin, which is easily absorbed through the skin) and artificial fragrances, colors and preservatives. Environmental aluminium has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, chemical sensitivities, and breast cancer.
Personally, I have tried a variety of different natural deodorants, from a crystal stone to roll-on and cream deodorants, it’s worth mentioning the latter became my favorite after all those years of research. My best choice is Fit Pit Woman with rosemary and bergamot essential oils, available in two sizes 25ml and 100ml in glass jars and smells wonderful! Also, it is 100% organic with no aluminium salts, parabens or BPAs, petrochemicals and plastic packaging. The 100ml size lasts me about 3 months.
When it comes to soaps in our home, we do not use any antibacterial soaps. We only have natural and organic soap bars over the liquid soap in order to minimize plastic use. Why? Because many antibacterial soaps that you buy from the supermarket can cause rashes, irritation, itchiness, and soreness and even dry cracked hands.
In fact, in recent years the FDA recognized and announced that antibacterial soaps contain certain harmful ingredients such as triclosan and triclocarban (triclosan is used more often in liquid soaps, while triclocarban is used mainly in soap bars and banned in the US). “Some data suggests that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long-term,” says Janet Woodcock, director of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation & Research. FDA proposed the rule in late 2013, citing concerns about potential hormonal effects and antibiotic resistance associated with the chemicals.
I remember, when growing up, my family and I used to have dry cracked hands quite often especially in the winter months, simply from using cheap and harsh chemical-based soaps.
Did you know that natural organic soaps have healing properties? They only contain natural ingredients and that can greatly contribute to the treatment of eczema, acne and other skin conditions.
Natural organic soaps are ecosystem friendly and do not contain any chemicals or pesticides. Many of the natural oils that are found in natural and organic-based soaps contain antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of their own. They are far more biodegradable than their antibacterial counterparts, and they do not contain synthetic chemicals whatsoever!
Some of my favorite organic soap bars are made by Faith in Nature (lavender, rosemary, aloe vera), Akamuti (lavender/geranium and rose beauty soap), Friendly Soap (Lemongrass/Hemp Soap, Lavender), Dr. Bronner’s pure castile bar soap (lavender, peppermint). You can check them out in the provided links below.
So, I hope my post has inspired you a bit and that you will try to use more natural and organic products which are not only good for your health, but also for our animals and environment. 😊
“Never Be Sick Again: Health Is a Choice, Learn How to Choose It” by Raymond Francis, M.Sc.