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The Green Superfood Powder

Lenka Pagan

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” Buddha

I remember first time I tried barley grass powder juice – I really did not like it as it looked and tasted like grass to me. I was very ill at the time and after hearing and reading about the health benefits and miracle healing effects of this ‘grass’, I really wanted to like. I needed to experience those benefits as soon as possible.

So I decided to change the way I looked at it. Instead of ‘thinking’ that it was a disgusting grassy drink I thought of it as a nutritionally powerful miracle that would heal my life. I soon became ‘addicted’ to it. Consuming it three times a day, I soon noticed that my energy greatly increased, my skin problems started to disappear and I felt just amazing and full of life.

Why are so many people deprived of energy in our modern society?

Every day we are surrounded by toxins in the form of additives in our drinks and food, environmental pollution, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, plastic bottles and more.

Toxicity can cause you to gain weight and weaken your immune system. Accumulated toxins lead to chronic illnesses such as cancer.

Deficiencies in some important vitamins or minerals (for example an iron deficiency will result in anaemia) can deprive you of your energy as well.

The quickest and best way to get all the vital nutrients into your body is by juicing. Drinking freshly pressed vegetable juices has enormous health benefits. It naturally detoxifies your body.

If you are unable to juice yourself, you can still take your juice in powdered form instead – adding 1 teaspoon of powder to your morning juice, smoothie or water before a meal will give you a big energy boost as it is highly alkaline. This is much better than drinking coffee or other energy drinks that are loaded with sugar, caffeine and toxic chemicals, which are also very acidic and energy deprived.

A little tip about preparation here: For the first few weeks I mixed a teaspoon of barley grass powder with a glass of organic, cold pressed apple juice. Then I gradually decreased the amount of apple juice to half a glass and diluted it with filtered water. 

After a few weeks I was used to the taste and decreased the amount of apple juice to a minimum. 

After a month or so, I actually enjoyed drinking green juice on its own – mixing 1 tablespoon of powder with a glass of pure water – and I still continue to do so, to this day. 🙂

Buy your green superfood supplement of a good quality!

There are many kinds of green superfood’ supplement products on the market today but most of them provide very low nutritional value, containing neither raw nor organic ingredients.

Most producers of such green superfood supplements use high temperature processing methods which destroy the nutrients! Also, many other ‘green’ products contain added sugars or fillers. They also put in grasses – but not the actual grass juices – so you’re getting something you can’t even digest!

Let’s take a look at some of the nutritional facts about both raw and organic barley grass.

Barley Grass


Barley grass contains:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Essential amino acids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Flavonoids
  • Trace elements
  • Antioxidants
  • Live enzymes

Barley Grass plays a large role in preventing ageing and disease. As an added bonus, a study involving extract of barley leaf has shown to decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol!

Wheatgrass, is another fantastic green superfood which you can read about in my next blog.

For more information, have a look at my eBook ‘Healing Beverages’ at www.LenkaPagan.com where you can learn about the benefits of and step-by-step guide to juicing and other nutritious beverages that are great for your health.

Read next: The Green Superfood: Wheatgrass

Lenka Pagan
Lenka supports women to live happier and healthier life. :-)

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