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Now is the right time…

Lenka Pagan

Corona pandemic is certainly having a big impact on our daily lives. Life has changed for all of us in a way we could never imagine in the last few weeks. It is hard to believe that in such a short time our town, country, and the entire world, have shut down! People are concerned about their health, work, and family. Many are in total panic.

While the world is spinning on its head and our day-to-day activities are limited, now it is a perfect time to try something new. What is it? Something new to work on you! 🙂

Now is the right time to juice:
There is no better way to keep your immune system strong than by consuming fruits and vegetables or freshly extracted juice. I love juicing and have been doing it regularly for over 10 years! If you like to learn more about it, here is a step by step guide with loads of lovely recipes you may find really helpful https://lenkapagan.com/product/healing-beverages-book/

Now is the right time to cook healthy meals from scratch:
I personally prepare simple meals most of the time under 30 minutes because long cooking decreases its nutritional value. I am aware that lots of people do more home cooking from scratch
these days than before corona times, as they have more time and want to get healthier. When I visited a few online or offline shops in past weeks, I could not find any flour at all! So, it
shows that lots of people got crazy about baking! I remember one time at the beginning of the lockdown, flour, chickpeas, beans, lentils, and even rice or pasta were hardly found on the shelves.
And if you were lucky enough to find something somewhere, you had to wait in a long line for it, for example, my longest wait was 2 hours!

I bought once a 5 kg Indian chapati wholemeal flour, as it was the only flour available at that time. Believe it or not, I used it to bake pretty much everything (rolls, flatbread, cakes…)  As weird as
it sounds, it was not too bad at all; we managed the situation well and found that tasty enough! 😊

Now is the right time for exercise:
Did you know that exercise can help your brain grow, and delay brain aging? Your biceps aren’t the only muscles to grow when you work out – your brain does too. It seems that working out triggers the release of growth factors; chemicals in the brain that encourage new blood vessels and brain cells to grow. Tone up your body and your brain health will benefit, too. Everybody knows about the benefits of exercise.

We know, for example, that exercising several times a week helps combat obesity and reduces the risk of developing serious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
But it is less well known that exercise also has important benefits for cognitive function and our mental health.

I can’t stress this one enough. Working up a sweat is a great way to reduce anxiety, so try to keep your body moving for at least half an hour. We were lucky here in the UK during the lockdown that we could go out daily for some walk or exercise. So, we did. I continued with my morning routine on the seafront, and in the afternoon or evening, I took my son for a nature walk or rode our scooters along the beach or to the local parks.

I noticed more and more people got into an exercise in the fresh air and in the sun during the lockdown, as it is so essential for wellbeing 🙂 With most of us staying at home, a daily walk for those not isolating has become highly valued time for being in nature, getting some fresh air, stretching our legs and just enjoying a different view to the four walls of the home.

Stress is a natural response to life’s challenges and can be a force for good, but when it starts to overwhelm us in difficult times, then it can become a real problem. And when you consider the negative effect that anxiety has on our immune system, it’s more important to try to relax in order to help boost it. This way, we become in control of our health and avoid all infections.

Now is the right time to stay positive:
Nothing depresses your immune response like stress does; watching TV excessively, reading mainstream news, and posts on Social media platforms can be so frightening! I did it for about a week or so and felt quite sad, negative, overwhelmed, and afraid of the future. So, I made a stop at that all and just allowed myself to check it just a couple of times a week for no more than an hour or so, and what a difference it made!

It is important to find ways to encourage ourselves. In this context, all activities that involve reading, exercising, meditating, juicing, preparing healthy foods, spending quality time with our family, using social media apps to keep in touch with our loved ones, watching comedies, can be very helpful in maintaining a more positive frame of mind. During this difficult time, keeping our immune system in good shape is of extreme importance. Why? Simply because strong immunity works not only as a shield against viruses but also as a tool to help us recover faster with less severity and reduced symptoms. Two of the many important factors contributing to your health are the sunshine vitamin (vitamin D) and vitamin C. That said, daily doses of them is always a good idea.

See, if we look at it from a different perspective, this lockdown made some positive changes in people’s lives, for example: cooking more nutritious foods, exercising, and having plenty of rest. 😉


This is a limited Lockdown Offer, Online Nutritional Therapy Consultation,  and I honestly do not know how this low price is going to work out, so jump on it while you can!

What will you gain in this 90-minute Online Nutritional Therapy Consultation? 

  • Specifically, which foods to add to your diet and which foods to avoid
  • A discussion of foods that may be contributing to your ailments
  • Suggestions of foods that may help alleviate your symptoms and the link explained
  • The explanation of any vitamin and mineral deficiencies and advice on ways to correct these

Book Online Nutritional Therapy Consultation with Lenka Now!

Lenka Pagan
Lenka supports women to live happier and healthier life. :-)

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